Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) has been a nightmare to get working. Below, I’ll go through some of my trials and tribulations in getting HLS encoding for non-live streams working in Windows.   In summary, I couldn’t get the bitrate I wanted on my videos.  I’ll provide explanations (and rants) below, but first, for the impatient, here is the solution. In the end, here is exactly what I did:Watch Justice League vs. Teen Titans (2016) Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download Download FFMPEG, latest stable release (0.6.1 in my case) Windows build from ( doesn’t do their own builds for some reason?) Download x264 Windows build from (once again, the x264 team doesn’t do their own windows builds) Download the Nero AAC Encoder from nero (this is NOT open source) Download the open source segmenter from here …

iPhone, iPad, iPod – HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) with free tools on Windows Read more »