Andrew Koransky

Andrew Koransky

Senior Software Engineer & Team Lead



Senior software engineer with over 24 years of experience in broad, full-stack software development, including:

  • Web, desktop, and mobile development
  • Audio/Video processing
  • API/SDK management
  • Business ownership
  • Startup company growth and evolution
  • IT infrastructure
  • Configuration management
  • Team/SDLC management
  • Customer management

Enjoys collaborating with customers and coworkers, and working in multiple languages and programming environments.

Key Skills

  • Web - VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET MVC/WebForms, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, jQuery Mobile, REST, OAuth2, LAMP
  • Database - MS SQL Server, MySQL, Entity Framework
  • Mobile - Java (Android), Objective C (iOS), Apache Cordova
  • Desktop - VB.NET, C#, WinForms, Java (w/Swing), JNI, C++ including Qt, STL, MFC, ATL
  • IT / Configuration Management - Windows AD/domains, Git, Subversion, Perforce, CruiseControl.NET, NAnt, Scripting

Professional Experience

Transportation Technology Center, Inc.

Sr. Software Developer II

September 2019 - Present
  • Lead software engineer for the Software Services group, providing technical direction, software engineering, and software engineering support for various projects.
  • Developed and supported the Magento 2 storefront at Transitioned ongoing development to external consultants. Managed external consultants.

Software Engineer / Contractor

October 2018 - September 2019
  • Designed and developed an audit report management and voting system for AAR Technical Standards Committees (internal customer). Full stack web development using ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework.
  • Designed and co-developed Wheel Rail Contact Inspection System (WRCIS) in C++ / Qt for Windows (partially ported from Linux) and MySQL. WRCIS manages multiple processes across multiple machines that calculate wheel-rail contact safety parameters from rail geometry measurements in near real time.

InfoTank, Inc.

Software Engineer / Consultant

October 2010 - October 2018
  • Consult directly with various clients to perform end-to-end development and maintenance of ASP.NET - VB.NET - Microsoft SQL Server driven websites while stationed at a home based office.
  • Principal designer and developer of a custom CMS (content management system) used by multiple clients. A flexible plugin system allows a web developer to add new layouts / features to the site, or parts of the site.
  • Integrate with third party database systems and cloud APIs (REST / OAuth2). Contributed to various open source APIs where appropriate.
  • Developed efficient server-to-server data transfer batch scripts utilizing SQL BCP (bulk copy post) tools resulting in 70% improvement in transfer times.
  • Developed a multimedia processing engine (VB.NET - windows service - .NET remoting) and browser based UI (ASP.NET - VB.NET - SOAP web services) to convert an incoming video file into multiple output formats, including the iOS HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) format, MP3, MP4, and OGV.
  • Developed an Android and iOS applications for delivering text, video, and audio content to Android and iOS devices. Initially developed natively (Java/Objective-C respectively), then migrated to Apache Cordova/Jquery Mobile.
  • Managed hosted and onsite IT infrastructure for clients.

Salida Tech, Inc.

Owner and Founder

January 2009 - August 2010
  • Formed company, wrote business plan, organized marketing efforts, hired employees.
  • Consult with small business customers on all aspects of their IT infrastructure. Provide advice on hardware/software, security, business processes, and business computing continuity in case of failure or disaster.
  • Perform onsite maintenance, repair, and troubleshooting. Configure various server and client systems. Perform, manage, and coordinate in-shop computer repair activities.
  • Sold company in August 2010.

TandaSoft (Owner and Founder)

Consulting for Nexidia, Inc.

December 2005 - January 2009
  • Extended and enhanced Nexidia's Java/Swing based multithreaded AudioFinder desktop application, including integrating Nexidia cutting-edge speech processing and phonetic search engine, pronunciation optimization, language ID, and sound classifier technologies.
  • Built Web Crawler in C# / Windows Forms, which retrieves textual content from web content for consumption by Nexidia Speech Analytics.
  • Built Nexidia's Language ID Training Tool in C# / Windows Forms, including build scripts and installer components.
  • Extended Nexidia's Java Native Interface (JNI) allowing developers to access Nexidia's C++ SDK from Java.
  • Built a Java Swing component for media playback engine utilizing DirectShow for Java (DSJ) and QuickTime for Java.
  • Built a data generator in C# to rapidly populate Nexidia's Enterprise Speech Intelligence (ESI) database model with statistically relevant data through Microsoft SQL Server's BCP interfaces for testing.

Nexidia, Inc.

Applications Team Lead

July 2003 - December 2005
  • Managed a team of developers in full life cycle development of products that utilize Nexidia's pioneering phonetic speech processing and search engine.
  • Designed and developed portions of Enterprise Speech Intelligence (ESI) server administration system written in C# utilizing ASP.NET, .NET remoting, and MS SQL Server, as well as a Query Builder application written in C# utilizing .NET WinForms and multithreading.
  • Designed and developed audio processing and search API, including mixed mode multithread capable C++ .NET assemblies that allowed Nexidia's audio search technology to be used from .NET programming environments.
  • Designed and developed an ASP.NET based audio search application in C# that demonstrated Nexidia's audio search technology.
  • Developed Nexidia's live audio monitoring functionality in NEXminer Pro desktop product, utilizing multithreading, C++ and MFC.

Senior Software Engineer

July 2000 - July 2003
  • As third employee, designed and managed Nexidia IT infrastructure including configuring Linux firewall, SonicWall firewall, network switches, Windows 2000 domains, file and print servers. Designed and implemented initial configuration management systems including build processes and source code control.
  • Hired members of the initial core development team. Managed and produced development plans and timelines to present to management.
  • Designed, managed, coded, and participated in full software development lifecycle of the SDK, demo code, and associated products.
  • Managed small team of developers for full life cycle, cross platform development of various projects and products, including the Nexidia's multithread capable SDK (Win32/COM AND Linux GNU) and benchmarking tools.
  • Designed, developed, and maintained Nexidia's media accessor architecture, allowing the Nexidia engine to access many different types of audio/video formats (C++ and ATL).
  • Developed Nexidia demonstration applications in C++ (MS Visual C++ [including ATL and MFC] and Linux GNU C++ compiler, both using STL), Microsoft Visual Basic, ASP/ASP.NET.

Koransky Consulting

Consulting for Authorgenics, Inc. (aka High Rapids)

January 2000 - June 2000
  • Built WinSock functionality into a design tool that uploaded an application specification to an authoring server which generated C++ / MFC code.
  • Worked on a development team to bring a SQL Server based application design tool (similar to MS Access) to Beta status using C++ / MFC.
  • Assisted in training an AI engine to produce a web application based on server side ASP / COM (using ATL/C++) and client side JavaScript.

Software Engineering / Consulting Projects

September 1998 - December 1999
  • Consulting for InfoTank involving Active Server Pages, HTML, Microsoft Access, and JavaScript.
  • Developed an e-mail program for Windows CE and Win32 utilizing multiple threads and MFC.
  • Developed a Caller ID Monitor that looks up numbers in Outlook 2000.

XcelleNet, Inc.

Software Engineer

September 1997 - September 1998
  • Brought offline POP3 and SMTP e-mail to release status for CONNECT:Manage (now known as Afaria).
  • Developed software to support and manage McAfee Antivirus products on CONNECT:Remote (now known as RemoteWare) and CONNECT:Manage clients.
  • Projects involved extensive use of COM and MFC, designed and wrote multithreaded Windows NT Services.

Critical Problem Resolution Project Lead
IS Internal Application Development

June 1997 - September 1997
  • Implemented process to handle escalations from helpdesk and developed escalation database.
  • Developed and designed common code to be used by internal application development group.
  • Modified legacy applications to work with new systems.
  • Managed team responsible for maintaining both internally developed applications and 3rd party applications.

API/SDK Services Project Lead

June 1995 - June 1997
  • Developed demo code in multiple programming languages in multiple programming environments including Microsoft Visual C++ (MFC, Windows, Win32), Borland C++ (OWL, Windows, OS/2), IBM C++ Set (OS/2), Microsoft Visual Basic.
  • Managed the Software Development Kit as a product.
  • Assisted customers with API/SDK related issues.
  • Worked with development and product management to resolve issues surrounding SDK/APIs.
  • Worked with technical writers to produce quality documentation for the SDK/APIs.
  • Assisted in implementing web and backup strategies for maintenance development organization.


Other Achievements

  • Developed OpenGPS.NET, an API interface for interfacing with handheld GPSes.
  • Developed, a website for finding free camping.
  • Debugged and enhanced a WordPress plugin, wp-iCal, allowing users to create iCal feeds from posts.
  • Developed a tool to synchronize Outlook contacts to Nokia "brick" phones.
  • President - Salida Mountain Trails